typable. OK, this is a Spanish keyboard that´s acting like
a Spanish keyboard. Except that the spacebar only works with
the attached hammer (most of the time) and half the keys
have their letter label worn off. Not fun for us non-touch
OK, from the typhoid patient, the only downside to our trip.
We woke up one morning (the day we were going to Mindo & the
rain forests) and went to get some coffee before leaving for
the bus terminal. We thought we were very lucky in that the
street was deserted and there was no traffic in sight. You
need to understand that cars ABSOLUTELY have the right of
way. Even pedestrians in a crosswalk with the light have no
rights. We only had 100 meters to walk from our hostal to
the coffee shop. About 20 feet from the door of the coffee
shop two guys came around the corner. One approached me with
a hand out (I thought was begging), then grabbed my jacket
and said, "Money!" Then I noticed the knife/spike in his
other hand. The second guy went to Hope and tried to grab
her purse. She twisted down into a ball and started shouting
for help. I grabbed the wrist holding the knife. Then two
employees came out of the coffee shop and the one with a
broom hit the guy entangled with me and then both banditos
ran away.
We were so enjoying the empty street that we stopped being
aware. All´s well, we were blessed, we recognized the
outcome as a form of abundance. After this event, the stay
in Mindo was even ´mas tranquillo´.
Hope related my question on the history of the attitude of
the Catholic Church to women. The best endowed and
maintained church in Quito (even better that the bishop´s
cathedral) was one owned by the Jesuits who were quite proud
of how their altar included the founders of other
brotherhoods in the Church. And quite proud that EVERY
surface was covered with gold leaf. Being immersed in the
Spanish colonization of the new world for the last three
years and having read some fictionalized histories of the
new world, I´ve become quite interested in finding a
history of the church from apolitical perspective.
It´s also election time in Ecuador. Everyone we´ve
talked to looks at their decision as who do they want to rip
off the country for the next 5 years. No platforms matter,
no improvements expected. Decision: who do you want to get
rich at the country´s expense? Much like our own system,
just more up-front I think.
Note to my son Adam: Lots of VERY old Datsun pickup trucks,
but not a single 510. New Nissans, of course. A number of
original Minis running about and lots of old Ladas, the
Russian car that at a glance and a distance might be
mistaken for a 510 (to the uninformed).
Note to my son Tieg: Ran into an Aussie couple who said that
3-year work permits are relatively easy to come by now.
Might check out the Aussie embassy website if you still have
that dream.
Today we´re leaving for Otovalo, the best know artisan
market in Ecuador. Then back to Quito but only for the bus
back to ceilidh. Enough struggling with this keyboard. Love
to all!
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