Friday, March 24, 2006

Good bye Costa Rica

We did the check out process today, obtained our Zarpe international, and will be headed towards Panama tomorrow. We left Golfito for Rincon (a 4 hour trip) but only stayed two days. The anchorage was lovely with green green jungle and we saw our first toucan. Wow they are loud. We were taking squishy (our dingy) into the mangrove swamp area to explore when we heard an incredibly loud bird. There it was in all it's glory, sitting in a tree and moving it's head from side to side. Wanted to be sure we saw the profile from the best possible angle? Why we didn't stay longer? No place we could find to anchor securely. The bottom went from 60 feet to 8 feet in two boat lengths and to top that off there is an 11 foot tidal range. And, the mud bottom would not set our anchor well. That leaves us both feeling a bit iffy and not really anxious to take long hikes inland. Visions of poor Ceilidh stuck in the mud is not a pretty sight. We did swim and frolic in lovely water and also saw 2 more scarlet macaws flying thru the sky. The howler monkeys woke me up at 4 am the second morning. We were anchored so close to shore it sounded as though they had climbed right onto the rigging. Yikes! No they were still on shore swinging from the trees in the jungle. It has been raining every day - sometimes off and on all day and sometimes only in the evening. The thunder rolls across the water like a freight train and I can feel Ceilidh resonate with the sound.

No luck on the photo uploads. The internet connections here are not up to the task. Next opportunity will be Panama City, Panama. We are holding high hopes! The photos are stacking up and can't wait to share them. We were able to submit our taxes via turbotax. Yahoo for the plugged in age. Don't know what we would be doing for banking and business tasks without the internet. Oh, also was able to check Pamila's blog and see photos of Molly, Vanessa and Lucinda in Egypt. Way cool. Thank you Peach and Dmitry!

It is hot and humid in the Gulfo Dulce. Don't know if it is just this area which cuts more inland or if it is the natural procession of seasons. Hoping to find cooler and dryer conditions in Panama. Sitting here with 87F, 63%humidity and sweating quite a bit. The breeze just picked up as I write, however, and it is amazing what a difference! Suddenly I feel wonderful! On that note I'll sign off. Next missive from the western islands of Panama.

Love to all
from the yin side

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