Saturday, March 18, 2006

We are living the sweet life now

anchored in Golfito, Gulfo Dulce, Costa Rica (he he, dulce=sweet, get it?) Arrived yesterday from Isla De Cano. Wow. The anchorage was ok in calm weather, which we had, and it was beautiful. Snorkeling at the island was THE BEST we have ever enjoyed. The water was the clearest we have seen, on par with Avalon - visibility to 30/40 feet. Huge fish of so many colours and configuration and none of them were in our fish ID book. Just the same, we saw them and enjoyed the experience. Snorkeled into a canyon type rock area and came face to face with a 3 plus foot very large mouthed something. I turned around and started swimming away and then turned back around and approached mr. fish at a very s l o w pace. Mr. fish didn't appear to be interested in me so I hung our and oggled him. Beautiful blue, yellow and lavender fish, way cool iridescent blue tuna type fish that were also huge, The coral reef is not as colourful as we've seen but there were varieties and shapes that I saw for the first time. Other people snorkeling saw sand sharks and sea turtles. I missed those,

Rich and I want ashore and did a hike to what they can the archeological site. Not a whole lot to see but the walk thru the jungle was so beautiful. The sun was just getting to the horizon as we returned to the beach and the birds in the canopy went nuts, calling back and forth and flitting from tree to tree. Randy and Gail on Otter did meet us there and we caught up on all their adventures the last two years in South America. Also met some more interesting people on their Oyster 82. Such a small world. They live in Wikiup, Sonoma County, and will be traveling to the Galapagos and South Pacific. We used to live very near them. We and Randy and Gail were invited to their boat, Darling, for drinks the first evening. Funny how small Ceilidh looks when anchored next to a 82 foot sailboat.

So we are now in Golfito, anchored in the estuary. We were out of vegies, beer. toilet paper and propane. Time to head to town for sure. Did our first shopping run today and will continue to acquire and stash away provisions for a few more days. The town here is interesting but the constant litany of warnings about theft from EVERY cruiser we meet has made the town seem less appealing. I would rather be forewarned than sorry so there you go. We'll be here for another few and then visit the Rincon area at the head of the Gulfo Dulce. Just heard tonight from other friends who visited Rincon that there are many monkeys, macaws and other birds to be seen as well as fantastic swimming and snorkeling. Just my type of place. I'll write again with breaking news.

Love to you all and happy almost birthday to Heather!
from the yin side

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